When traveling, you’ll never forget to pack the essentials such as your clothes, passport, and toiletries. However, you should also bring your peace of mind with you. And the only way to do that is to ensure you’re prepared to act in case of a medical emergency.
You should consider getting a CPR Certification in Fresno at any point in time. However, it’s extremely crucial to do so before traveling. You never know how a person close to you would react to a different climate or when a cardiac arrest will occur, as often, it comes without any warning.
So, let’s get into today’s CPR guide for travelers for staying prepared anywhere, anytime.
Why CPR Certification for Travelers is Important
In today’s world, as freelancing is becoming the new norm, many workers turn to travel. We can all agree that CPR training won’t be the first thing on anyone’s mind. Considering that only 54% of Americans know how to perform CPR correctly, this is too obvious.
As cardiac arrest is slowly becoming a public issue, CPR Certification should be taken more seriously – or be even mandatory. Here are some of the reasons why CPR Certification is important for travelers:
- Unpredictable Medical Emergencies. Sadly, the survival rate for cardiac arrests occurring outside of a hospital is only 1 in 10. And what’s even worse, it can lead to death within minutes.
Imagine a scenario where a loved one starts drowning or suddenly collapses. And to think you’re maybe a thousand miles away from home and no one to turn to. This is considered an unpredictable medical emergency, and it’s when CPR knowledge comes in handy.
- Limited Access to Healthcare Facilities. When in a remote location such as a secluded beach, chances are, there won’t be a medical facility nearby. If you witness a person collapsing on the beach, you have to act fast. You might be the only hope for their survival.
One study on CPR shows that 22.9% of the victims survived before being admitted to the hospital when bystander CPR was performed, while 11.9% were successfully discharged from the hospital.
- Prompt Action. To follow up on the above-stated fact, enrolling in a CPR Certification class in Fresno will help you cope with stressful situations. Once you’re mentally prepared, you’ll be able to act fast and effectively and help someone in need.
The faster you act in a case of cardiac arrest, the better. That’s because the consciousness in the victim is lost between 4 and 10 seconds of absent cerebral blood flow. So, remember, acting quickly can greatly improve the chances of the person surviving.
Do you know what the causes of cardiac arrest are? Some factors that can contribute are drug overdose, electrical issues, and some heart conditions. However, influenza can also be the leading cause of cardiac arrest. Traveling to a new place can expose you to various types of influenza, typical for that region.
Benefits of CPR Certification for Travelers
Obtaining CPR Certification as a traveler can help you a great deal. Yes, you’ll gain enough knowledge and skills to respond immediately to medical emergencies. However, you’ll feel prepared and certain that you can potentially overcome any medical obstacle that comes your way. Here are a few things you can benefit from getting certified:
- Enhanced Safety. Know that there’s nothing bad in being informed. Avoiding informing yourself about CPR and cardiac arrest can leave you unprepared. You probably think that avoiding it is a way of focusing on positive things, but it’s in fact a potential risk to you and the safety of others.
We should hope for the best but in case the worse comes, there’s nothing left for us than to be prepared. And the only way to be aware of potential risks and be able to take preventive measures is to enroll in CPR training.
- Increased Confidence. By getting fully certified, you’ll never again question your ability to help a loved one. If you’re traveling with kids, consider the CPR level B training, as it’s specifically tailored to address the needs and challenges of providing CPR to infants and children.
With this training, you’ll feel capable of handling emergency situations that might arise during your travels, especially when it comes to the well-being of young ones. This increased confidence is one more reason to get certified as soon as possible.
- Saving Lives. You don’t have to be a medical expert to save someone’s life. You can do so even with basic CPR-level training. When a cardiac arrest happens, the heart will stop pumping enough blood throughout the body. Even with the EMS responder’ arrival in Fresno averaging at 6.4 minutes, it’s still very important to act promptly and administer CPR until medical help arrives.
Overall, being CPR-skilled and certified has many benefits. Whether you’re traveling with a child or an adult, it allows you to handle every emergency situation with confidence. By obtaining a CPR certification, you’ll be able to provide immediate and potentially-live saving assistance no matter where you’re in the world.
Components Covered in a CPR Certification Course
Sadly, the survival rate for individuals experiencing out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is less than 8%. Therefore, it’s crucial for every one of you to enroll in CPR training. To see that it’s not as complicated as you might think, we’ll go over the most important components covered in a CPR course.
Chest Compressions
Chest compressions are important, as they help maintain blood circulation during cardiac arrest. If rhythmic pressure to the chest isn’t immediately provided, the brain, the heart, and all other vital organs can become deprived of blood and oxygen.
One cycle of CPR includes a combination of 30 chest compressions and rescue breaths for adults. However, chest compressions should be done with one hand or two fingers if it’s a child or infant you’re treating.
Before administering chest compressions, you should ensure the person is unresponsive, call 911 immediately and then position them on a flat surface. Interlock your fingers while your elbows are locked, and your arms are straight. Remember to deliver the chest compressions at a rate of 100 to 120 per minute. And most importantly, under no circumstances continue with CPR if the victim suddenly becomes responsive.
Rescue Breaths
Providing rescue breaths helps deliver oxygen to the victim’s lungs. Before doing so, tilt the victim’s head back and lift the chin to open the airway. Two rescue breaths are recommended for each cycle of CPR.
Now, if the environment where the person collapsed isn’t considered safe, such as in cases of fire or toxic chemicals, stick only to chest compressions. Also, if you haven’t been professionally trained about rescue breaths, it’s better not to attempt them, and again, stick to chest compressions only.
Automated External Defibrillator
Nowadays, AED can be found in many public places. For example, if you witness somebody collapsing while on the plane, you will easily get your hands on an AED. Even if the accident happens in a shopping mall, you’ll likely find an AED nearby.
However, you won’t be as lucky if the cardiac arrest happens in a private home or a remote area. You’ll have to rely solely on other basic components, such as chest compressions and rescue breaths.
Choosing the Right CPR Certification Course for Travelers
You might need help deciding which course is right for you. The most important factor you should consider is the organization providing it. For example, the CPR Certification Fresno includes CPR classes certified by the AHA, which is widely recognized as one of the leading authorities in CPR training.
You should then decide if you’re interested in CPR for adults, CPR for children and infants, or maybe both of them combined. Also, consider if you need the certification for work or for personal reasons. By considering these factors, you can choose CPR training that aligns with your specific needs as a traveler.
Bottom Line
Even if getting a CPR Certification is non-mandatory, except when it’s needed for work, you shouldn’t see it as such. Every person should know how to administer CPR and should be mentally prepared for sudden medical emergencies.
When you’re traveling, being skilled at CPR will make you feel safe and confident, as in having the ability to help a loved one, even a stranger in need. At the end of the day, if you want to raise awareness about CPR, start with yourself.